Species : Kra Thum Khok
Price Above for : 1kg.
Packaging : Seal/Vacuum/-kg
Mitragyna Hirsuta comes from the same genus and family as Mitragyna Speciosa (Kratom plant). It is a popular kratom alternative because it shares similar properties. The leaves are green with light green-white veins passing through them. They tend to be smaller than Mitragyna Speciosa leaves, and have the street name “kra thum khok”.
Mitragyna Hirsuta is rich in a different alkaloid known as mitraphylline. However, the overall mechanism of this alkaloid is the same as kratom. This is why Mitragyna Hirsuta and kratom produce similar wellness support. There is not a lot of scientific research surrounding either herb, which only provides anecdotal experiences to be searched.
The main difference between Mitragyna Hirsuta and Mitragyna Speciosa is of course the alkaloid content and the overall wellness support that is offered by each. They will vary but are also similar. Hirsuta tends to be less intense than kratom and is even preferred by some kratom enthusiasts. It is a desirable alternative to kratom. Mitragyna Hirsuta does tend to last longer than kratom, so it will all depend on what the user is looking for.
Mitragyna Hirsuta contains mitraphylline, which binds to the same mu-opioid receptors in the brain as mitragynine. Another alkaloid recently found in Mitragyna Hirsuta is Isomitraphyllinol.
Mitraphylline alkaloids show tremendous promise. There have been several studies conducted on mitraphylline isolated from the cat’s claw herb. According to this study, ancient herbs have been linked to anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer potential. Research on mitraphylline in kratom is being conducted, and is expected to be studied also at Mitragyna Hirsuta.
Unlike Mitragyna speciosa, mitragyna Hirsuta kratom does not contain mitragynine or 7-hydroxymitragynine. However, the mechanism of action is much the same between the two plants and both share similar effects, such as Relaxation, Mental clarity, Exhilaration, Calm, General well-being, Restful sleep. Mitragyna Hirsuta is believed to be more nootropic in its effects than most kratom strains. It is particularly effective in terms of cognitive enhancement and increased stamina. Like kratom, it is favored by those who wish to cope with stress. Many introverted users take mitragyna Hirsuta 30 minutes prior to a social engagement, in hopes that it will assist in limiting their inhibitions.
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