Finding a trusted Kratom vendor is essential for the Kratom business and everyone in the Kratom world. So, here we compile some tips on how to choose the right/trusted Kratom vendor.
1. Ask Your Friends or Family.If you are new to kratom, you can ask your nearest trusted person who has experience with kratom. Ask them about all of the experiences they know. They should have knowledge about kratom and trusted kratom vendors. To add your knowledge as a new user, because kratom has a lot of kratom strain and every strain will hit different effects. Know what the kratom effect you want and know your kratom dosage. Find as many references as possible about kratom until you find the best kratom vendor.
2. Do More Research about Kratom Vendor on Internet Kratom Forums.If you’ve got some vendor names in your pocket. Do more research on these vendors in some flat forms such as (Reddit, Instagram, and Facebook or other forums) to ensure they have a good image.Usually, some forums talk about Kratom vendor scammers, some forums will post lists of Kratom vendor names that are not recommended. Do more research before choosing a Kratom vendor, of course, takes a lot of time, but it’s better than you lose a lot of money.
3. Make Sure Vendors Have Websites. From the website, we can find out more about the Kratom company’s background. In general, the company will write down its company details such as the CEO’s name, address, and contact person (phone number, email, etc.), these three things could be the first step to trusting the company. And also, on the website, their payment system is more structured, before you send your money make sure if the recipient’s name is the same as the name of the company or the name of the CEO’s company. Then from the website, you can also see people’s reviews about the company. Usually, the reviews from people can be more trusted because many of their reactions are honest.
4. Have the Authenticity of Their ContentBe a conscientious prospective buyer, choose vendors who have authenticity to the content / photos they upload. Because some rogue vendors will steal photos from other vendors and then re-upload them on their accounts.Please know, the right and trustworthy vendors they will not re-upload other people’s content / photos. They have the authenticity of their own content.
5. Have Good Production Support StandardsA good Kratom vendor is a vendor who emphasizes high standards for his products, usually good products are produced from good kratom production as well. From a good kratom production, of course, there are many things that support the production behind it.Find out more with the kratom vendors you have chosen, whether they have good supporting production, such as kratom farms, kratom farmers, harvesting kratom methods, kratom drying, and machines with stainless standards.If they dare to show all the kratom production supports, they have means they are a trustworthy kratom vendor, after showing their production supports and you think it’s good, then it can be certain that the products they sell are also good products.
6. Give You an InvoiceAfter making a purchase or transaction, make sure the kratom vendor gives an invoice as proof of the transaction you have done successfully.If the kratom vendor does not send you an invoice after transacting, you can ask and ask him to send the invoice as proof if something you do not want to happen in the future.
So, those are some of the things that should be your consideration in order to avoid the “bad Kratom vendors.